Beauty is subjective, but the price is not. So, how can these four metrics guide your purchase? A lot will depend on what is most important and valuable to you, the purchaser. A bigger stone can increase the final price, but you might lower it if you sacrifice clarity or color. Diamonds are as unique as people. So when all is said and done, what truly matters is your preference and what works for your budget.
A diamond or gem's value is placed in the eye of the beholder or wearer.
The 4C's help consumers and dealers categorize and synthesize a stone's given value factors.
However, what matters most is the viewer's initial reaction to a stone. But what you see is what matters.
A certificate can only convey so much love.
Every diamond or gemstone is unique.
The sum of all these different parts makes each stone individual and unique.
Our job is to help educate and guide our clients to make the best possible decision for them and their budgets.